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Tokenomics Consulting


Our consulting service starts with a deep dive into your project's goals, target market, and technical architecture. We work closely with your team to understand the nuances of your product, identify potential use cases for your token, and create a comprehensive plan for integrating it into your platform. Once we've developed a solid understanding of your project, we'll move on to designing your tokenomics model. At the end of our consulting engagement, you'll have a comprehensive tokenomics model that is optimized to achieve your project's objectives. Whether you're launching anew platform or looking to improve an existing one, our team of tokenomics experts is here to help you succeed.

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How it works

Our company offers a structured and bulletproof process to ensure efficiency and quality in all our projects

Share team inboxes

Identify the key stakeholders in your project and determine how your token can provide value to each group

Deliver instant answers

Design the token distribution model, determining the initial supply, distribution schedule, and allocation to various stakeholders

Manage your team with reports

Create a detailed plan for how your token will be used within your platform, including defining its utility, setting transaction fees, and determining how it can be earned, spent, and traded

Connect with customers

Establish a governance model that outlines how decisions will be made within your project, including who has voting rights, how proposals are submitted and evaluated, and how disputes are resolved

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